The Right of Communication

                     The Right of Communication

The human right of communication includes the rights of free speech ,
free press , peaceable assembly , free expression , freedom of thought ,
etc. , and , in part , petition for redress of grievances .

It seriously interacts with freedom of conscience , and virtually every
other aspect of life .

The Right of Communication is a bi-directional right .
If you have something you want to say to others , you have the right to
say it .
If you want to receive comunications from others , you have the right to
do so .
There is no specific upper limit on how many people you can communicate
to , nor how many communications you may produce .
Nor any such lower limit .
Equally , there is no specific number of others from whom you must
receive messages , nor how few messages you may choose to receive .
Nor any such upper limit .

This right is not fully effective for certain governmental officials ,
whose responsibilities constrain them to observe communcation rights of
the people generally , and to respond appropriately to petitions .

Walter Nissen