for Writers of Mathematics | phi ( sigma ( n ) ) = sigma ( phi ( n ) ) | |
For Writers of Mathematics
Exponential Prime Power Representation
For Writers on Mathematics and Science
Huge Factors of Enormous Integers
Counting Faces on n-dimensional Hypercubes
phi ( sigma ( n ) ) = sigma ( phi ( n ) )
Number Theory
Abundancy : some resources
A little about abundancy
Values of the abundancy function
A Friendly Pair in an Ancient Manuscript
A billion solutions to
phi ( sigma ( n ) ) = sigma ( phi ( n ) )
and a conjecture
Sophie Germain primes
Huge Factors of Enormous Integers
Lots of Factors
Primitive Friendly Integers and Exclusive Multiples
Small Primitive Friendly Pairs
Primitive Friendly Pairs from a Formula
Exponential Prime Power Representation
Casual Visitors - Welcome !
You can view the first couple of these as you would a circus -- even if you have no intention of trying them at home .
Huge Factors of Enormous Integers
Counting Faces on n-dimensional Hypercubes
statistical truth
post on np ( n ) = n^n + (n+1)^(n+1)
the slide rule
Inaugurated 2007-11-08 Updated 2016-09-05